Silent Fan for ASIC Miner reduces miner operating noise by more than 40%.
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This version has a speed switch: medium and maximum.
It can blow up to 850 m3/h of air. This allows the very efficient miner to be cooled.
Our Silent Mining System effectively eliminates loud fan operation in ASIC ANTMINERS and similar.
The most annoying for us at home is the high-pitched noise generated by the rotating blades of the high-speed cooling fan.
Our engineers spent many hours of simulations with one goal in mind: optimal airflow.
Thanks to the hard work, we managed to lower the noise level.
The amount of air needed to cool down the processors is provided in excess, so the device can work safely. Your ASIC miner can feel safe.
Our solution is compatible with devices that are equipped with 12 x 12 cm fans.
For 14 x 14 cm fans, please get in touch with us.
Solution for single fan, you can find here Silent-Miner 1
Easy way to upgrade your ASCI Miner to Quiet Miner
The Silent Miner for ASIC Miner solution has been designed to ensure processors’ safety from overheating while reducing the level of noise emitted to the level of the washing machine.
The effectiveness of the silent fan for the miner system is sensational. Miners that are overclocked don’t have any problems with the temperature even if the ambient temperature is higher than 25 °C.
Compatible with miner: S17, S19, T2, T17, T19, D7, L3, L7, A1, A10, A11, KD2, KD5, KD6, E1, E9, CK5, Z11, Black2b and many others with the same design
We prepared this version with more efficient motors for more efficient ASIC miners that generate more heat.
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